Friday, September 24, 2010

By way of an update...

My cough is getting better! I mean, yes I'm still coughing, but it is nowhere near the level that it was this time last week. So that is good news. Hopefully it will be completely gone within a few more weeks.

LAMDA has been going smashingly well so far. I am loving every single one of my classes except, ironically enough, the acting class. The woman teaching it is difficult to understand at times and this is really frustrating at times. She will have an idea in her head and then speaking and there always seems to be something lost in the translation. Now I have nothing but respect for our instructor, and I have no doubt that she is a talented woman, but the fact that I she has difficulty getting her ideas and point across (and this is not just me who has noticed this, it is a consensus amongst the entire group) it makes it difficult to learn from her and at times creates conflict between her and the students. I can only hope things get better as we move on.

One a more positive note, Steve, our Improve teacher (he also taught my group Romances) is effing hilarious. I swear every other word that comes out of the mans mouth has me rolling on the floor. This, combined with the fact that he has an insight into working scenes and monologues that is astounding in its simplicity and effectiveness, makes him one of my favorite professors in the program. It's a shame that after today we only have him for Improv (since we are moving on to Jacobean plays, we are getting a new teacher), once or twice a week just is not enough Steve time.

Since today was the last day we were working on Romances, we all presented the monologues we were working on. I did a Leontes monologue from Winter's Tale Act 1 Scene 2 which I think went fairly well. I put a lot of work into it and got positive results, which is a good feeling. Especially because when I first started working on the monologue I was having difficulties both remembering it and understanding it. There were still little things that I could work on, but I feel like that is always going to be true. I think I'm going to add this to my stock and store of audition monologues (*sarcasm voice* because the list is soooo long...).

Moving on from the world of LAMDA, I have fallen in love with a drink here called Nutrament. It's kind of like Ensure (for those who are familiar) and it's designed as a dietary supplement to help those who don't manage to eat enough during the day (like me when I'm too busy/lazy to fix a proper breakfast). Not only are there 335 calories, a copious amount of nutrients and more vitamins than one actually needs in one day packed into a single can, it is also extremely delicious (at least the chocolate and vanilla flavors, the strawberry left much to be desired).

This may seem like an odd place to end a Blog entry...but that is exactly what I am going to do.

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