Sunday, September 26, 2010

High school prom, two drunks, Sherlock Holmes, etc...

There was a "Getting to know you" party at LAMDA this past Friday. I expected refreshments, snacks and awkward conversation. What I got, was high school dance. I walk through the door and the florescent are off, the colored strobes are flashing and the dance floor is...completely empty. I first of did not even expect there to be a dance floor, so to discover a barren one was a complete blast from the past.

As more and more people began to partake in the refreshments however things began to liven up a bit. Feet started migrating to the floor and hips started moving. Maybe if high school dances sold what they were selling on Friday, things wouldn't be so awkward...meh, another thought for another time.

So I dance dance danced to my hearts content that night and then headed back to IES (my residence hall) on the tube. This is when the best part of the night happens. As we step through the threshold of one of the train cars, I see two men (clearly buzzed) looking as if they are ready to hit the club. I decided to complement them on their appearance, at which point they begin to drunkenly ramble on and on for the rest of the train about any thought that happened to spawn in their head.

All the way from Barron's court to South Kensignton we listened to them talk about this club they were going to go to (a club which they invited us to about four to six time through out their vocal vomit session) and how they thought we were cool and were sure that we could get in if we wanted and how they loved the can of cider that they were passing back and forth to one another, helping to edge their buzz along.

This experience eventually culminated in them beginning to sing "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" by The Darkness with our promise that we would join in during the chorus "unfortunately" our turn to sing never came as we pulled into South Ken. right in the nick of time.

It was an experience I will not soon forget.

In other news. Went to the Sherlock Holmes museum on Saturday with a couple of classmates and a high school friend of mine. It was interesting, and I took lots of pics (I may post some once I figure out how). After that I had my first Fish and Chips...turns out its just a piece of fish and some french can get those at any carryout place in the states...I don't get what the big deal is.

After that:

Regent's Park - more pictures

Giant Toy Store - gazed in awe

H&M - Bought a sweater

So Ho - Wandered through the red light district - scarred for life

The White Horse - barely able to find a seat

McDonald - 99p cheeseburger

All in all, a good two days.

1 comment:

  1. I want to try the drink...send me one!

    Also...what's White Horse?
